Saturday, September 06, 2008

Late Nite Jokes

Jay Leno

Even Bill Clinton said, “When Hillary attacks Obama, it’s wrong. But when Sarah does it, it’s somehow hot . . .”

Joe Lieberman, who ran as a Democrat in 2000 as Al Gore’s vice presidential nominee, spoke at the Republican Convention last night. A Democrat at the Republican Convention. That’s like Bill Clinton speaking at a sexual abstinence rally.

It’s being reported that if elected, Barack Obama will make Hillary Clinton a Supreme Court judge. Has he thought this through? She may demand a recount and declare herself the winner.

Barack Obama has accepted the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. He gave his acceptance speech on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech. And just two days after Hillary Clinton gave her “I Had a Dream!” speech.

Last night, during his speech, Bill Clinton promised to do everything he could to help Barack Obama win the election. Hillary said, “That’s nice — but you know Bill . . . keeping promises is not his strong suit.”

Bill Clinton spoke last night. He’s a powerful orator. But this was sort of sad . . . in the middle of Clinton’s speech, wandering out on stage, was John McCain in his bathrobe.

Last night at the convention, Bill and Hillary Clinton were in the elevator together when it got struck between floors for five minutes. A spokesman called it a minor technical glitch, while Bill Clinton called it, “My own personal hell.”

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