Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Late Night Jokes

Jay Leno

It’s been mentioned that Barack Obama may still pick a woman for vice president, but not Hillary Clinton. Well, today a top Hillary Clinton spokeswoman said that it is inconceivable that Obama would pick another woman over Hillary. To which Bill Clinton said, “It’s not that inconceivable .

David Letterman

Hillary Clinton’s campaign was $31 million in debt — $31 million. Here’s how you can help: If you contribute $5 to Erase Hillary’s Debt, you can have dinner with her. For $10, you get to tie the lobster bib on her pantsuit.

Conan O'Brien

Yesterday, Bill Clinton told a group of supporters that his wife Hillary is the person he most wants to spend time with. Apparently Clinton likes to start off every speech with a joke.

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